I Accidentally a Second Fic for 2019???

Last updated on February 26th, 2021 at 12:42 pm

I had two days off in a row this week (Christmas and Boxing Day) and I somehow managed to write an entire fic for my friend Ally, edit it, and post it. I thought my previous fic would be the only one of 2019 but I guess the muse finds a way sometimes!

Pokémon Sword and Shield, Piers/Raihan, rated E(xplicit).

No spoilers. Wet dream, kink negociation, coming in pants, public sex (on stage), face fucking. They’re already boyfriends in this one.

Rock Star, Porn Star

Avatar for Nyyyx

Author: Nyyyx

Fandom Oldie. Been there, done that, survived the ship wars.

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