New Fanfiction!

After 2 years (that simultaneously felt like 20 years and 5 seconds), I finally have a new fanfiction up on AO3! And it’s for a whole new fandom and a whole new pairing to boot!

Final Fantasy XIV (yes, the MMO), Estinien/Female OC/Aymeric (with a focus on Estinien/Aymeric), rated E(xplicit)

No spoilers. First times, loss of virginity with a sex worker, pining idiots, safer sex, vaginal sex, anal sex, Roegadyn OC, very gay despite being het lol.

Take My Breath Away
(But Not Like This)

Avatar for Nyyyx

Author: Nyyyx

Fandom Oldie. Been there, done that, survived the ship wars.

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