Goodbye 2024, Hello 2025

I almost can’t believe we’re finally at the end of 2024. 2024 lasted 10 years, I swear. And yet somehow time was moving way too fast for me to keep up at the same time! Time is fake, guys.

Anyway, now that I have medication that allows me to function like a human being, I hope that 2025 will be a better, more productive year, at least personally.

Plans for 2025*

*rough draft, non-binding, subject to change at any moment lol

Given The Circumstances™️that I don’t really wanna get into a the moment lest this post becomes a black hole of depression and hopelessness, I feel that 2025 is gonna be a year to focus on myself and my own spaces. What does that mean?

  • Focusing on myself to improve my health, both mental and physical.
  • As part of that, ensure that my cat continues to be well-cared for.
  • And to house both of us safely and comfortably, continue to take care of the house and improve/fix the parts that I wish were different or bother me.
    • In terms of internet presence, I think it’s long past due to scale back my presence on corporate-owned websites. I wish I could just delete everything sometimes, but that’s impossible, because I just can’t create in a vacuum. I need to interact with the source material and fellow fans to create fandom things, and even more generally, I need art to be/stay inspired! But with the rise of AI, the alt-right, the purity cult, and enshittification, I am convinced the best way to fight back is to own your own spaces, not just complain about social media on social media.
    • That means that this space is getting revamped entirely!
    • First of all, I’ll try to post more here and syndicate to the few social media I intend to keep.
    • This means that I will finish my very own theme for this blog! I’m hoping to make the blog more accessible and easier to read.
    • My main collective website is being entirely overhauled as we speak. There will be content on it again; it won’t be just a hub to the other sites anymore (though it will also continue to be one).
    • An archive of my own (heh) writing is definitely coming as well! The planning stage for that one is nearing the end, and building the site will start soon.
    • My shrine subdomain is getting a long overdue update, as will every shrine on it. I might even create new shrines, or bring back ancient fanlistings as shrines!
    • I don’t know what I’ll do with the Megaten fansites directory. On the one hand, does anyone even make fansites anymore? On the other hand, Neocities is gaining in popularity, so maybe we’re gonna see a resurgence of personal and fan web pages?
    • Speaking of Neocities, I’ve signed up for it, because I am fully in favour of that initiative (for now).
    • I have other projects for this space (at least one more blog on a completely different topic, a revival of an old project, and at least one video game guide). Stay tuned!
    • I am working on my very first wiki! I played Terra Nil at the beginning of 2024 and I got seriously hooked by how innovative, fun and relaxing the game is. I haven’t played a lot more of the game since then, and while waiting for ADHD treatment I neglected the wiki, but with my medication and renewed energy, I intend to work hard and finish it!
    • Hopefully I can write more fanfiction to update my AO3 with new works! And yes I am staying on AO3, of course.
    • Soeaking of AO3, I will resume development on my AO3 userstyle if it kills me lol

That’s all I can think of for now. Here’s to a fun and productive 2025, at least in terms of hobbies and websites!

I lived, hee-tches!


Long time no see! I keep wanting to come back with a new fic announcement or something, but, well, taking care of my new house on top of an intense few months as work is preventing me from writing as much as I want, so unfortunately time goes on and I’m no closer to a new fic as I was at the end of summer.

But I am around and interacting more online now that the move is done and the house is becoming more and more mine with paint, interior decoration, and working on the yard. I really enjoy my new place, and I hope the stability will be helpful to my mental health and my creative hobbies.

So expect more updates here, on my sites, on AO3 and on my various social media accounts soon-ish. There’s been a lot of chaos and changes that I’m still trying to organize, but whatever happens, I’m keeping this blog and my personal domain up, so you can always find me right here at The Nyx Zone.

That’s all for now. See you around!


Hey, I move cross-country in less than a month, so I’ll be taking a hiatus from… basically most everything online. I may be around lurking, but I don’t expect to have the energy to create or interact much.

Worry not tho, I have fics and websites and plans for when I am settled in the new place, so activities should resume mid to late summer.

See you then and take care!

Zone Update

Some final 2020 updates!


  • Updated all the site footers to display 2021 as the current copyright year, even the old ones I haven’t touched in years. My project to update all my shrines and sites is still ongoing and I hope this simple change will help motivate me!

Main Site

  • For accessbility/zooming reasons, I’ve changed the default HTML font size from 20px to 125%. People with low vision will now be able to embiggen the text much bigger. Because my eyes are getting older and even shittier, that’s why.
  • I updated the humans.txt file on the site. Humans.txt Initiative.
  • Updated the favicons for something more in line with the ones I use on the other sites of the collective.

Hiatus, hopefully short

TL;DR I’m on hiatus for a bit.

Hey all,

I promised myself when I made this blog that I would not let real life negativity invade it, because this is a fandom blog and not a whining blog.

Therefore, I won’t go into details. Just know that I am moving to a much better place in January, where I hope I will regain the drive and most importantly the time for fannish creation and projects.

I hope to see you all soon.