Oh shit I’m late, lol
Happy Change The Copyright Date In The Footer Of Your Website everyone!
Nyx's fandom blog
Oh shit I’m late, lol
Happy Change The Copyright Date In The Footer Of Your Website everyone!
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and if you don’t celebrate, have a wonderful day!
Social media sure has exploded huh.
I’m busy at work so until I find a new home, here’s my Carrd to find me.
Read your error logs and debug your blog on 3 hours of sleep LIKE A BOSS.
Since my last fanfiction may have appeared to come out of left field entirely, I want to reassure any potential fan and/or anyone waiting for an update for my ongoing Pokemon series of fanfictions with a bit of a roadmap (subject to change).
That about covers what WiPs are currently open in my writing program. As always, this is subject to change, as my interests wax and wane, I get struck by inspiration, or my friends feed me potential material. And of course, this is dependent on how tired my day job leaves me; I work in an industry where COVID-19 brought in lots more work.
After 2 years (that simultaneously felt like 20 years and 5 seconds), I finally have a new fanfiction up on AO3! And it’s for a whole new fandom and a whole new pairing to boot!
Final Fantasy XIV (yes, the MMO), Estinien/Female OC/Aymeric (with a focus on Estinien/Aymeric), rated E(xplicit)
Continue reading “New Fanfiction!”I should have written this much ealier, I know.
Long story short, I still want to finish my newbie-friendly playthrough of Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster live on stream, but I’m going through a very deep, crippling depressive episode right now, and I just can’t. So I have to take a break. I hope to be back soon.
Thanks, sorry.
Made minor updates to Atheist, my Adil shrine, mainly to make the loading of Google Fonts more efficient and to tweak the display of the Arabic font (Noto Sans Arabic). I do plan on self-hosting all google fonts in the future, but for now up to date fonts code will have to do.
I hurt my left hand quite a bit at work on Friday and it still hurts, so today I’m gonna do a compromise stream: we’re going to go defeat Mother Harlot because Twitch being a butt prevented us from doing so last week, then once it’s done I’m gonna end the stream and go rest and stretch my hand. Ok? Ok.
See you in 15 minutes.
ETA: Stream over for today, thank you very much for watching!
Okay I actually looked up how to meet our hee-ho friend again so I swear this is what we’re doing this week. See you in 15 minutes!