Second Fanfiction of 2020!

Hey guess who has posted a new fic for the first time in a century that’s right it meee!

It’s a Pokémon Sword/Shield fanfic again because I’m obsessed, but this time it features Raihan/Leon.

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First Fanfiction of 2020!

It’s been a difficult adaptation to only be able to write for a short time after work, where I already spend my days typing away for 8 hours. I’m just used to be able to focus to write for hours on end a few days in a row, y’know?

I did manage to get something written, edited, and posted, though! It’s a continuation of the accidental second fic of 2019, a Pokémon Sword/Shield fic featuring Piers and Raihan again.

Continue reading “First Fanfiction of 2020!”