New Fanfiction!

After 2 years (that simultaneously felt like 20 years and 5 seconds), I finally have a new fanfiction up on AO3! And it’s for a whole new fandom and a whole new pairing to boot!

Final Fantasy XIV (yes, the MMO), Estinien/Female OC/Aymeric (with a focus on Estinien/Aymeric), rated E(xplicit)

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First Fanfiction of 2019, Now Live!

My job spent writing makes writing fic less than easy, but this is one of those that would not let me go until it was written, and I’m happy it did not.

Persona Q2, Ren Amamiya/Ryuji Sakamoto and later Ren Amamiya/Ryuji Sakamoto/Yusuke Kitagawa, rated E(xplicit).

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